Showdown Theatre Arts and Carli Jones definitely not miserable but amazing..Les Misérables .

Showdown Theatre Arts  (STA) led by Carli Jones put on an amazing showing of Les Misérables at Leatherhead theatre last wkd. The cast were made up of the children who attend STA’s extremely popular dance classes through the year and come to gather for the show. With an range of 7 to 18 Carli and her team did an amazing job moulding them into a formidable cast and the hard work was clear to see as and the show was a complete success. I am lucky enough to be Showdowns photographer and some of the pictures are a great reminder of the amazing show. I am sure that Carli will go on to produce shows on a much bigger scale and even in the big lights of the west end…

It is always a challenge when photographing theatre shows and you have to be on your toes if using manual settings. With all the changes lights it really is one of the most difficult events to shoot and I was really pleased with the results. The energy and professionalism of the cast and Carli’s team shows through in the pictures and I am very happy that I had the chance to record the events. Next show is Annie and if you want more infer about STA then go to

STA production of les meserables shot by
STA production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by
Showdown theatre arts production of les meserables shot by

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